A. E. van Vogt passed away on January 26th, 2000. Read more
about this at
Locus Online, and at
SFWA. I'm sure I speak for everyone who has lent a hand with this
web site, and joined the mailing list, when I say that we mourn his passing, and all send our deepest sympathies to
those who knew him, loved him and were loved by him. May he rest in peace and rest assured that his
name will be kept alive.
NEW stuff!
19th 2009:
ORB Books 2008 edition of The Voyage of the Space Beagle available
One of the great original classics of modern SF
An all-time classic space saga, The Voyage of
the Space Beagle is one of the pinnacles of
Golden Age SF, an influence on generations of
stories. An episodic novel filled with surprises
and provocative ideas, this is the story of a
great exploration ship sent out into the unknown
reaches of space on a long mission of discovery.
They encounter several terrifying alien species,
including the Ix, who lay their eggs in human
bodies, which then devour the humans from within
when they hatch. This is one of the most
entertaining and gripping stories in all of
classic SF.
4th 2008:
Slan Hunter by Van Vogt and Kevin J. Anderson to be published in paperback by TOR in December.
[amazon.co.uk link]
Previously published in Hardcover in 2007.
20. january 2007. Thanks to Simon Jones, I've added cover scans and fixed a few errors in the gallery.
Readers interested in General Semantics should head on over
here and read an interesting article by one Solaris.
16. april 2006: After a long pause, I've added a bunch of new cover scans
all over the place. |
16. may 2005:
Italian fans of van Vogt should note that in a recent edition of NOVA SF magazine, more precicely NOVA SF*67, there is a lengthy essay on van Vogt, entitled
"Controllo del linguaggio, linguaggio del controllo: il percorso narrativo Orwell Hubbard Burroughs van Vogt", or in english: "Control of
the language, language of control: the narrative path between Orwell Hubbard Burroughs van Vogt", by one Riccardo Gramantieri.
Info on how to obtain this can be found on www.perseolibri.it or by writing to perseo@perseolibri.it.
The price is 15.50 Euro. |

15. may 2005: This is a Turkish edition of...well.. Null-A
something. A collection of all three? Know Turkish? Take a look at
this page
and tell me. Seems the publisher is Kasim. Check out some more editions that
boggle the mind. |
17 august 2004: A director named Robi Michael has made a short film based on
van Vogt's story A Can of Paint. Check out the website at
22 july 2003: Read a review of Transfinite: The Essential A. E. van Vogt at www.scifi.com.
18 june 2003: The 1st chapters page has acquired a
new addition, namely The Voyage of the Space Beagle, often
rumored to be the inspiration for the movie
Alien. It is formerly known as, and expanded from, the famous 1939 short story Black Destroyer published in
june issue of Amazing Stories that year. Many thanks to Kelvin Clarke and Isaac Walwyn for submitting this.
15 may 2003:
Thanks to Isaac Walwyn I have now added the
first chapter of The World of Null-A.
12 may 2003
Added new coverscans, on a temporary page .
Later they will be put on their appropriate pages under the Gallery section, and lots more added.
10 May 2003
Added the first chapter of The Man with a Thousand Names
to the 1st chapters section.
30 April 2003
Isaac Walwyn is doing an outstanding work on his website and has recently finished a lengthy and detailed study on The World
of Null-A entitled The Three
Worlds of Null-A. It is a book lenght study, comparing the 1945, 1948 and 1970 versions of the
novel, with special emphasis on the many plot differences.
17 april 2003
Alexei Panshin has recently added to his site a long essay entitled
Man Beyond Man, where he discusses the early stories of van Vogt.
9 december 2002:
Added an essay entitled A. E. van Vogt and the Sanity of Anarchy, by John Andrews, to the
articles page. And The World
of Null-A has been
4 september 2002:
recently published in e-book format Slan and
...no The Voyage of The Space Beagle. Also,
Tor Books is publishing The World of Null-A in october.
21 march 2002:
A new collection of short stories by A. E. van Vogt is
scheduled to be published by The New England
Science Fiction Association
21 january 2002:
A. E. van Vogt: Science Fantasy's Icon, is a new e-book about van
Vogt by H. L. Drake, published in December 2001. You can read a review
of it at
Isaac Walwyn's site
An excellent database about van Vogt's books can be
found at Isaac Walwyn's site
| |
Welcome to my little web site dedicated
to one of the giants of classic science fiction. Here I have
compiled what knowledge I could get my hands on to help the
curious reader discover van Vogt's gems, and to delight old fans.
It is not my intent to violate copyright laws, but if you have a
problem with any text being here, please let me know before you
file a lawsuit, and I'll do my best to sort out any problems. I
want this site to contain a comprehensive library of information
about van Vogt and his works, and I believe I have made a decent
job of it.
My greatest help in designing this site has been a
little red book called "A. E. van Vogt - Master of
Null-A". It is a bibliography published by Galactic Central
in 1997 and written, or rather compiled, by Phil Stephensen-Payne
and Ian Covell. It's a remarkable little book containing info on
every piece ever written by or about van Vogt, in every
conceivable language.
Very special thanks to Isaac Walwyn, Steven
Leon, Norman Masters, Philippe Mingo, Endre Zoldos, Dominic
Lopez, Jim Goddard, Kent Johnson and Robert Fraser, and lots more including all
members of the Van Vogt Mailing List.
Alexei Panshin wrote a great introduction to
SLAN as seen in the essays section, and here you can take a look at
his own website.