The Battle of Forever

NEL, 1980.

DAW, 1982. Cover art by Wayne D. Barlowe.

Editura Vremea, 1995.

Gli Slan 55, date unknown.

Author's Co-op Publishing Co. 1978. 500 numbered copies. Cover by Bob Maurus.

Bibliotheque Marabout, 1973.


Presses de la Cite, 1983. Cover art by Raymond Hermange.

ACE ,original edition, 1971, cover art by John Schoenherr.

New English Library, 1973.

or thousands of years Man has retreated behind the barrier - evolving a miniature physiology for a life of peace and philosophical contemplation. Modyun agrees to grow his body large and to return beyond the barrier, where animal-men roam the world. His quest will lead him deeper into darkness and deeper into the uncertain...


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