To Conquer Kiber

J'Ai Lu, 1985. Cover art by Barclay Shaw. 

Editura Vremea, Romanian edition, 1998. 


Sold to DAW in 1975. To my best knowledge the editions pictured here are the only ones ever published though. 

The following is a translation of a french blurb:
Let us introduce this as a play: mild mannered Paul Craig, a 27 year old Terran, has yet to find his full psychic balance. Only alcohol brings him a little comfort and confidence.
Now, imagine this turn of events...
First, he discovers that he was, without his knowledge, equipped with gills; second, that he has been kidnapped. And third, that he is onboard a spaceship heading towards Kiber, a remote watery planet. Neurotic hallucination? Alcoholic nightmare? He's going to find out!
His kidnappers in any case know what they have in mind: to conquer Kiber, eliminate Garren, the current sovereign, and to replace him with Paul. Nothing less!
What saves us, Mama Craig often said, is to always keep a pure heart. Simple, no?


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