1959. Cover by Richard Powers.
1973. Cover by Chris Foss.
Berkley, 1963.
Cover by Richard Powers.
tories to thrill and delight you.
Here is an author whose name is a sure guarantee
of the most exciting and intriguing science fiction
writing you can buy. The far ranging imagination of A. E.
van Vogt will take you - Thousands of years into
the future! Millions of years into the past! Trilions of
miles into outer space! - and into other
dimensions, galaxies and universes. Here is one of the
modern masters of science fiction of whom it can well be
said: "van Vogt's formula is grandoise -
imaginative, I love it all." -Groff Conklin, Galaxy
It contains the following stories:
- The Great Engine (1943)
- The Great Judge (1948)
- Secret Unattainable (1942)
- The Harmonizer (1944)
- The Second Solution (1942)
- Film Library (1946)
- Asylum (1942)