Destination: Universe

Jove, 1977. Info on cover artist would be appreciated.

J'ai Lu edition, either 1989 or 1995.

Succese Internationale, Romanian edition 1994.


ollection of short stories. First published in 1952. It contains the following stories:

  • Far centaurus (1944)
  • The Monster (1948)
  • Dormant (1948)
  • The Enchanted Village (1950)
  • A Can of Paint (1944)
  • Defence (1947)
  • The Rulers (1944)
  • Dear Pen Pal (1949)
  • The Sound (1950)
  • The Search (1943)

I thought this was Berkley 1964 and cover by Richard Powers. Apparently the one on the right is that one. But what is this then?

Berkley, 1964. Cover by Richard Powers. 

Editrice Nord, 1979.

Signet, 1958.

Panther, 1972. Cover by Tony Roberts.

Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1953.

Berkley Medallion, 1970.

Panther Science Fiction edition published in 1978

J'Ai Lu, 1977, cover by Tibor Csernus.

Signet, 1953, cover by Stanley Meltztoff.

Sogen-sha, 1976.

Pellegrini and Cudahy, 1952. 1st edition. Cover by Boris Dolgov.

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