Masters of Time

Macfadden, 1967.

Manor Books, 1974.

Fantasy Press, 1950. Cover by Edd Cartier.

This book was also published as Earth's last Fortress, and those editions are covered on another page of this site. The first edition of this book, namely the Fantasy Press edition pictured above was published in 4074 copies of which 500 were numbered and signed by A. E. van Vogt.

Kent Johnson writes: While the original story was called "Recruiting Station," the Fantasy Press hardcover book edition in 1950 was titled THE MASTERS OF TIME, but the Ace Double edition the same year was titled EARTH'S LAST FORTRESS.  When American publishers decided to reprint it (starting in 1967), they used the Fantasy Press title, but when European publishers decided to reprint it (starting in 1973), they used the Ace Double title.  In fact Sidgwick's 1973 hardcover was THE THREE EYES OF EVIL AND EARTH'S LAST FORTRESS, two Ace Double novels in one volume (THREE EYES was a retitling of SIEGE OF THE UNSEEN).

Manor Books, 1975. Cover by Bruce Pennington.

Editura Vremea, 1994.

Macfadden, 1969. Cover by Jack Faragasso.

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