Most recent updates shown first.
2015 — August 27th |
- New article added: the updated version of Charles Platt's profile of A.E. van Vogt, taken from the new 2014 edition of his classic book of profiles of SF authors, Dream Makers. (With many thanks to Platt for his kind permission to reproduce it here.)
- I've still got a bazillion things to add to the site, so keep an eye out for them in the weeks to come!
2015 — August 17th |
- Dozens of new images submitted by the ever-resourceful Lledó have been added to the bibliography. I plan to continue trawling through my gargantuan backlog of submissions in an attempt to catch up!
2015 — February 15th |
- Daniele Bitossi has written a review of the French non-fiction book A.E. van Vogt: Parcours d'une oeuvre by Joseph Altairac. (I'd like to offer my customary apologies for my extreme tardiness in getting his review ready for publication...)
- I've added an entry to the biliography for Altairac's book, which I had been previously unaware of. I've also been able to add a couple of minor changes to the bibliography that were all but done a little over a year ago when I started to get bogged down in a backlog of work. Hopefully, getting those up will encourage me to keep going!
2014 — May 19th |
- A new Article has been added, "A.E. van Vogt: Science Fiction, Phase Two" by Donald A. Ketchek. Donald previously contributed another fine article, "E. Mayne Hull: Another View," and it's a genuine pleasure to again be treated to his unique insight into van Vogt's work.
- I've become rather bogged down in a huge backlog of new material for the Bibliography. I will try to add this new material in a piecemeal fashion over the coming weeks. In the meantime, my thanks and apologies to all those who have sent in material over the last several months and have been kept waiting (Lledó, Ben, and Yutaka in particular).
2013 — November 6th |
- New Article added, "Random Musings on van Vogt" by Daniele Bitossi (offered with my sincerest public apologies to Daniele for taking so ridiculously long to get it ready for publication!)
- All of the images displayed within the Bibliography pages are now separate thumbnail files rather than just the full-size images scaled down. This dramatically reduces the time it takes to load a page, and makes page-scrolling more responsive. (See here for a good example.) Clicking on a thumbnail will, of course, still open the full-size version in a new tab.
2013 — October 19th |
Bibliography updated:
- — New covers, wallpapers, and illustrations sent in by Lledó. (Lledó was previously credited as "José." All his prior contributions have been updated with his preferred name.)
- — Numerous ebook editions added.
Links page updated — Juha Lindroos' van Vogt site is now back online!
2013 — October 5th |
Bibliography updated — a few new covers and illustrations sent in by visitors, as well as a handful of corrections. (Next month I plan on adding a few new bibliographic entries, along with more detailed descriptions for existing ones.)
Changelog page added — this keeps detailed track of all changes made to the bibliography, and will ensure the regular Site Updates page (the page you're looking at right now) remains clutter-free. To make things even easier, each update will also include a link to download all new images added on that date.
Downloads page updated — I've gathered together a few more files previously scattered across the Sevagram site, and now list them on the Downloads page for easier reference.
Links page updated — Yutaka Morita's van Vogt site has been redesigned, updated, and moved to a new URL.
- minor decorative tweaks and technical improvements
2013 — July 28th See Blog for More Details
- The new A.E. van Vogt bibliography, the Sevagram Index, is now online. Although it is already far larger than the old PDF Storysource bibliography, I will continue to add even more information, covers, illustrations, and foreign editions as well as creating additional indices as time permits.
Downloads page added. From here you can download all of the cover images and illustrations featured in the new bibliography with a single click. Also available for download are the old Earthlink version of the site, as well as an archived version of Magnus' Weird Worlds site for offline viewing. And, previously, various PDF files were linked to throughout the site. This single page makes it easier to find them all without wading through endless pages.
- A short illustrated article has been added which discusses the Hoffman Electronics ads from 1962.
- 2 photos added (both from the back cover of the 1948 edition of Out of the Unknown).
2013 — May 6th |
- Lee Sullivan's retrospective article has been updated to include scans of some of the original correspondence between him and editor Peter Darvill-Evans, Paul Cornell's original character notes for Bernice Summerfield, and additional early sketches of the cover design
2012 — February 1st See Blog for More Details
- all navigation menus improved
- numerous decorative enhancements throughout the site
- minor technical improvements
- improved interface and usability
Titles index is now correctly alphabetized
Preludes list now includes artist name and source page
- Range information added for each book on all index pages
2011 — December 1st See Blog for More Details
Updates page added (which you're looking at right now!)
Credits page updated
- Numerous design refinements and behind-the-scenes technical improvements throughout the entire website
- Roger Russel's A.E. van Vogt site and the Yahoo group added to Links page
- Extensively redesigned for easier use and quicker loading times — each book now has its own individual page, and each index is now a separate page as well.
2011 — August 28th See Blog for More Details
- My old A.E. van Vogt website at has been taken down, with Sevagram being a renovated version of the old site. Although temporarily incomplete due to time constraints, content will be steadily restored during the coming months.